
Nueva Musica
Music is Life
Decades navigating music, learning songs, instruments, playing shows, making records and curating collections earns me experience that I want to share. I'm here to make people happy. You will find lists, guides and stories to keep your brain engaged or, better yet, turn it off.
Enjoy Curated Playlists With Spotify Here
Use the month and year before each set of notes to open with Spotify.
Grammy nominated music. Queens of the Stone Age is the best rock band on the planet, for my money. At least this month. A new album from The Smile though after NPR showed us how big their boner is for them I don't want to hear it yet. Raw Power came into my life again as it does every few months. I listen to Funhouse to begin the weekend often. More often than I see coyotes which is a delightful shame.
I must have been entranced by all the Grammy music because I never added more than a Steve Reich collection that I can't recall getting around to.
This is a typical playlist for me. Tons of new and old music from all genres and decades. From classical to grunge and everything in between. I found some new In Utero mixes to compare. Yeah, I'm that guy. I sit in front of my speakers or with big headphones on and A/B mixes. In this case I A/B/C'd Steve Albini's mix, the original commercial mix and a remaster. Every mix is great. I can't say I favor one over the other. Perhaps Albini's since it's the most pure. The MC5 came back into my life again. Definitely weekend music. What's weekend music? See the music guide below. The MC5 were instrumental during some formative music years of mine. I was in a band that covered "Ramblin' Rose." I think it's a shame that the censored version of "Kick Out the Jams" streams on Spotify so I went to Factory Records and bought it on vinyl. In two decades since I first heard it I never owned it. I love the album. Always will. I enjoyed an interview with Wayne Kramer from NPR. He passed recently. What a force of nature.
April Notes:
Rest in Peace, Malcolm Holcombe. I learned of his death this month though he passed in March. I posted a video of Instagram @swindletone about learning of his passing. Record Store Day is coming. Pretty stoked about that.
May notes: The month started with an intense focus on John Coltrane's A Love Supreme that led to creating a Coltrane playlist of some of my favorite stuff. The trouble with jazz guys is it's hard to know where to start. If you're new to jazz you can start with my "Coltraned" playlist. The end has one of my favorite jazz records, Milestones, which features John Coltrane as a side-man for Miles Davis' band. I'm not sure who did it first but these days meditation music is big. I credit John Coltrane with tapping into and turning people on to music as a religion with A Love Supreme. It's a jazz heavy month for me transitioning from Coltrane to Charles Lloyd and now Bill Frisell who has my favorite album of the month so far, Orchestras (Live) that features Thomas Morgan on bass and a full, yep, orchestra. My last order for the fiscal year here has some gems. Nothing I can think of off the top of my head but I'm interested in the new Slash record. I read that it's blues heavy. Jim Campilongo comes out of left field with She Loved the Coney Island Freak Show and steals the show for May. I'm looking forward to hearing Ben Harper's new record that he says is "anti production" meaning he was going for a vibe rather than trying to please anyone. I'm into that. -G 5.23.24
The link to the latest playlist is above (Tap June 2024 Playlist). It is my joy to share music and discover new music. This month I took a road trip so I made a playlist for that. I drove from my house to the South Yosemite entrance in Wawona listening to a John Hurt recording session from the 60s. Road trip music is important. There's a Hunter Thompson quote that reads, “Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.” Not too much new music since I'm on a break from ordering for the library. I'm hooked on Miles Davis live, right now. I made a playlist of live recordings from both Miles Davis and James Brown. There's nothing quite like them. I listened to Justin Timberlake after I caught my friend vibin' to him in his mud covered truck. The latest Billie Eilish is killer. Bad Brains hit me hard again. Willie Nelson's latest is great too. I finally got hooked by The Grateful Dead. After reading some Hunter Biden clickbait I revisited Fleet Foxes. You see? Music is discovered in ways that are unimaginable. I didn't get to a lot of music on my June Bloom playlist but there's still time. Enjoy!
Well, last month was pretty intense for new music. That is, new music to me. Some music is brand new. Some is semi-new. All of the music on the playlist is new to my ears. The playlist includes the new Black Crowes record which was probably my favorite from last month. I also created a playlist called Classical Mode that is good if you need a place to start exploring classical. These are some of my favorite pieces. The Rolling Stones are hitting me hard right now. I'm listening to some of their live albums. What a treat! Much, much more is on the playlist. There is too much to remember so check the playlist to hear what I hear.
Summer & Fall 2024
For now, I leave you with the latest playlists from summer and fall, 2024. For those and more new music check my Spotify profile for monthly and special playlists. The greatest record I've heard in the last year is Wayne Shorter's Celebration Volume 1. When I first heard it I spun it over a few days consecutively and listened to nothing else.
Like a garden that slows over winter I too am winding down. I hope you continue to enjoy new music that makes you happy, exercises your brain and changes your mind. Salud! -G
End of 2024 Playlist
It's the end of the year when we bust out the Christmas decorations, celebrate some of the most important holidays, treasure our family, unwind a bit, bundle up by a fire and turn on our favorite songs of the season. In my case I'm relistening to my favorite records of the year and blasting some of the year-end releases that appeared on my radar.
The playlist is long, as always. Another 40-plus hour collection of music.
At what is now an annual holiday show featuring the music of Tom Petty I hung out with some old friends at Wayfarer in Costa Mesa. What a beautiful bar and music venue. I cut my teeth as an opener here back in the day and still love it.
Someone asked me what my favorite records of the year were. In the conversation I failed to mention Wayne Shorter's Celebration Volume 1. The first of what are supposedly many Shorter-curated albums is my favorite of 2024. It captured me in such a way that no other record touches it. One came close. Queens of the Stone Age's In Times New Roman. While Shorter reminded me that great jazz transcends all language, history and consciousness to provide an elevated sense of belonging, Queens of the Stone Age reminded me that great creativity exists in music and cannot be adapted. Great books might become great movies. Great music stands alone at the top of the mountain.
On the playlist you will find a few releases outside of 2024. I fell in love with The Grateful Dead's Europe '72. Most months I listen to both music that is brand new or new to my ears. This year's standout from the past is Europe '72. The feelgood high caliber musicianship and catchiness is a must for music lovers. I will admit it took a while for The Dead to hook me. That's the beauty of creative works. You can buy the greatest album ever or go see the greatest movie on earth. It might not hook you in that moment. Then, days, weeks, years, decades later it will.
As the curator of the music collection for the Newport Beach Public Library I understand this. It is why I always purchase popular reissues. You will find some jazz reissues or unearthed recordings on this year's playlist. There's always a new Coltrane recording or reissue to check out. I discovered more John Coltrane than ever this year. It was a banner year for Coltrane recordings in my life. Coltrane might be my favorite artist this year but that can be true any year.
Jazz and Classical overlap on Bill Frisell's Orchestras. Another gem of musical genius from the guitar player extraordinaire.
Woody Jackson's Cowboy Yoga and Jim Campilongo's latest, She Loves the Coney Island Freakshow are my favorite guitar-instrumental albums of the year.
Some of my favorite artists had new records or reissues that appear on the playlist like Weezer's blue album that turned 30. Raw Power's 50th anniversary is on the playlist even though it came out in 2023 because, well, I love the Stooges. They hit me hard again and I really enjoyed comparing the different mixes of Raw Power. Still, Funhouse is their greatest body of work. Some entries on the playlist are placeholders. Stuff like Nora Jones' new record. I like her a lot and feel like she is worthy of "best of 2024" status but I didn't listen to the whole album. Sure the Avett's Brothers' new record is on my list but it never hit me and I considered removing it but I know there are some Avett fans out there and the band deserves credit for their talent and longevity. X's latest never truly hit me but I can't help but include one of my favorite bands who has a new release.
When Happiness Bastards by the Black Crowes came out I spun it for a few days and returned to it a few times at the beach and on the road. It's fantastic.
Malcolm Holcombe's final record is on my list even though it's from 2023. He died this year and I cannot curate a best of the year list without his inclusion.
Albums that hit me hard and I play over and over are what I deem the best. Others are merely honorable mentions. I can't help but include Killer Mike's album that serves as the end of the Michael era, in his words. I like that he felt like he had more to draw from that particular well so he did. That's important for artists. Write, write, write until you plateau, write some more, write until it starts to get bad. That's when you know it's done. Then go back and edit. I couldn't help but include MF Doom's Mm...Food and Kendrick Lamar's latest. There's no end for me when it comes to genre hopping.
I received some great recommendations from friends. One of them being Asian Kung Fu Generation. They released a compilation this year and I loved it. I finally got into a Nick Cave record, his latest, Wild God. Gillian Welch and David Rawlings latest folk offering Woodland is a gem and reminded me that I too put out a new record this year. Welch and Rawlings were highly influential on my music within the last four years so they made the list.
Some surprises were Jesus Lizard's Rack and Being Dead's Eels.
The Cure came out of nowhere with a new record. I waited to see my friend to ask him what he thought of it because I loved it. Turns out he was at the record release show in London a week before I saw him. The Cure is incredible and their latest record is a testament to how spectacular they are.
I included Kamasi Washington's latest. He's having a great year.
I could write forever about each album on the playlist and include stories but this is much too long already.
The music itself is what matters. Old, new, new to my ears, favorites, multiple genres, even some classical rounds out a great year of great music and there's even more where that came from. I combed every year-end best-of list I could and listened to whatever I deemed necessary to keep up and stay entertained. Awards lists too. I hope you enjoy what I've put together and discover something that pleases you.
Here's a tip: throw the playlist on shuffle, let it choose a song for you, then hit stop. Go back to the beginning of the album it landed on, turn off shuffle, then let it ride.
If music is a language I consider myself lucky to have a babelfish of sorts with streaming. I am connected to the latest and greatest recordings on earth. It is a hobby of sorts. I love devouring music. Like language I am hungry to learn as much as I can so I can connect with as many different people as possible and keep developing my brain in a positive direction.
-G, December 2024
Sorry I don't post YouTube, Apple, Amazon or playlists outside of Spotify. My guess is if you really want to hear it you will find it. One day I will try to curate playlists across all streaming platforms.
Guide to Listening [Updated 4.4.24]
That's all you have to do. You can drive, fold laundry, sing along or whatever you want. There's no right way to do it.
Go for it.
If you can, listen while completely still. Sit, stand or lay and close your eyes. When the music is over get back to your life. Make some new decisions or do something that the music allowed you to conceive. How can anyone sit still after listening to metal? I start to hunt jackals and lift weights like Lars Ulrich.
Try vinyl. It sounds and feels better especially the low-end. Can't afford it? Me neither. I'm kind of addicted to it. I go to the record store and drop like $100 bucks at a time. It's bad.
I can't listen to Neil Young, Cuban music, Ennio Morricone, or The Four Tops without the urge to write and play music. I don't like to be inspired but man, they get me.
Listen to as much music you can. Try the radio. It's still good. I live in Costa Mesa and the best stations on the dial are 90.3, Radio Suerte and 97.9, La Raza. I prefer Spanish speaking stations. I listen to 91.5, classical KUSC, almost daily. It sooths me. When you do things to classical music, like garden, stare at clouds or drive fast, it makes it more epic.
Try different genres. Try them all. They're like books. You never know what author is going to hook you. You never know what's going to speak to you so stay open. I had some music professors in college before I changed majors who opened up my mind. I distinctly remember multiple professors passing that lesson on to me.
Never disrespect a genre because one day you'll be in a restaurant when some random music will hit you and it will change your life.
Get some good, over-ear headphones or a good stereo. Don't break the bank. Airpods are okay but a sweet chair in a dedicated listening spot, good receiver and speakers are the best. Not all of us can afford that so again, see the beginning of this guide. Just listen.
If all you have is your phone you can still turn on some music and dance.
Play, sing or dance along if the music hits you. It feeds the soul.
I try to listen to new music during the work-week. I stole this trick from Henry Rollins. On weekends I listen to my favorite music, new music that sticks and vinyl.
The Beatles will hook you but Led Zeppelin is better.
Last, there are no rules. Make your own. Better yet don't follow any.
Turn it on, turn it up and freak out.
Let's Stay Together
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